Aptarimas:Matematika/Sinuso Integralas: Skirtumas tarp puslapio versijų

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261 eilutė:
:This benchmark gives result <math>2.43497107044619\cdot 10^{24}</math> after 52 seconds on ~3GHz CPU.
:If there is only one multiplier unit, then either there is calculations in smaller precision or there is more than one multiplier unit. Because to multiply each number with another number then there is 15^2=225 or 16^2=256 multiplications and 225 or 256 addition operations for multiplying two 15 (or 16) decimal places numbers. So in total to multiply, for example, 123456789012345 with 123456789012345 need 15^2+225=450 operations. And if one operation (like addition operation) done in one cycle, then for such benchmark (if not counting calculation of natural logarithm) to do in 52 seconds need not ~3GHz CPU, but <math>(450\cdot 10^9)/50=9(52\cdot 10^92.6)=3328402367\;(Hz)=93.3 \; (GHz)</math> CPU. So I pretty believe, that there is 15 or 16 decimal digits number multiplication with one decimal digit number in 1 or at most 3 cycles (but really not more than in 4-10 cycles).
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