PHP: Skirtumas tarp puslapio versijų

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1 eilutė:
{{PHP Programming: Index}}
[[W: en: PHP | PHP]] programming <span class="plainlinks"> [ <span style = "color: black font-weight: normal; text-decoration: none! important; background: none! important; text-decoration: none; "> GPS Tracking Mobile] </ span> language was developed in 1995, [[w: en: Rasmus Lerdorf | Rasmus Lerdorf]]. PHP for web servers HTTP dynamic pages creation. But it can be also used without <span class="plainlinks"> [ <span style = "color: black font-weight: normal; text-decoration: none! Important; background: none! important; text-decoration: none; "> Geo Tracker Motor] </ span> more - tools for system development or database management.
PHP is interpreting the code while the program is running. This Means That You Do not compile the code, but the code QUICKLY noticeable slowdown.
13 eilutė:
* [[Php / session | Session]]
* [[PHP / MySQL | MySQL]] database ([[w: en: MySQL | MySQL Wikipedia description]])
* [ GPS Tracking Mobil]
* [ GPS Tracker Motor]
PHP Access ====